Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD

Current position

Auction rules

Act 1 总则


Article 1 Rule-making

These Rules are formulated in accordance with the Auction Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws of the People's Republic of China and the articles of Association of the Company, with reference to international practice。


Article 2 Noun interpretation


()"The Company" means China Art and International Auction Company Limited;


()“委托人”指委托本公司拍卖本规则规定范围内Auction object的自然人、法人或者其他组织。In this rule,除非另有说明或根据文义特殊需要,委托人均包括委托人的代理人;

()“竞买人”指参加本公司举办的拍卖活动,在本公司登记并办理了必要手续,根据中华人民共和国法律规定具有完全民事行为能力的参加竞买Auction object的自然人、法人或者其他组织。法律对Auction object的买卖条件或对竞买人的资格有规定的,竞买人应当具备规定的条件或资格。In this rule,除非另有说明或根据文义特殊需要,竞买人均包括竞买人的代理人;

()“买受人”指At an auction held by our company以最高应价购得Auction object的竞买人。但是,文物行政部门指定的国有文物收藏单位在相关法律和本公司规定时间内成功行使国家优先购买权的情形除外,In this case, the national cultural relics collection unit is the buyer;

()“Auction object”指委托人所有或者依法可以处分的委托本公司进行拍卖的物品;


()"Auction Closing Date" means the date on which the auctioneer, in an auction organized by the Company, confirms the completion of a transaction of any auction subject by dropping the hammer or by any other public indication of purchase;

()“落槌价”指拍卖师落槌决定或以其他公开表示买定的方式确认将Auction object售予买受人的价格;

()"Proceeds of Sale" means the net amount paid to the Principal, which is the balance of the hammer price less commission, taxes, fees calculated on a pro rata basis and other amounts payable by the Principal to the Company;

(十一)"Purchase Price" means the sum of all fees payable by the Buyer for the purchase of the auction object, including the hammer price, all commissions and all fees payable by the Buyer;

(十二)“各项费用”指本公司对Auction object进行保险、制作Auction object图录及其他形式的宣传品、包装、运输、存储、保管、汇款等所收取的费用以及依据相关法律或本规则规定而收取的其他费用;

(十三)"Reserve Price" means the minimum selling price of the auction object proposed by the client and determined with the Company in the contract of entrusted auction or authorized by the client to determine with the Company;

(十四)“参考价”指在Auction object图录或其他介绍说明文字之后标明的Auction object估计售价。参考价在拍卖日前较早时间估定,并非确定之售价,不具有法律约束力;


(16) "Laws" means the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules and normative documents enacted by the competent authorities of the People's Republic of China and amended from time to time。


Article 3 Scope of application

根据中华人民共和国法律,本公司具有合法的拍卖经营主体资格。本公司在中华人民共和国法律和政策允许的范围内,组织和开展拍卖活动。All the consignors, bidders, buyers and other relevant parties who participate in the auction activities of cultural relics, works of art and other collectibles organized and carried out by the Company shall be deemed to agree with and abide by the contents of these Rules。



Article 4 Special Note

All the consignors, bidders and buyers participating in the auction activities of the Company shall carefully read and abide by these Rules, and be responsible for their own participation in the auction activities of the Company。如因未仔细阅读本规则而引发的任何损失或责任均由行为人自行承担。因天气或其他原因,本公司有权自行决定将拍卖延期或取消,无需向竞买人作出任何赔偿。

At an auction held by our company,竞买人的最高应价经拍卖师落槌或者以其他公开表示买定的方式确认时,It means that the bidder becomes the buyer of the auction object,However, the state-owned cultural relics collection unit designated by the administrative department of cultural relics shall successfully exercise the right of national preemption within the time prescribed by the relevant laws and the Company,In this case, the national cultural relics collection unit is the buyer。

The Company, the client and the buyer shall recognize the fact that the auction object has been sold and concluded, and enjoy the rights stipulated by law and these Rules, and perform the obligations stipulated by law and these Rules。任何一方不履行义务的,均应承担相应的法律责任。


Article 5 Warranty for defects

本公司特别声明不能保证Auction object的真伪、品质及价值,对Auction object不承担瑕疵担保责任。All auction objects are sold in the condition in which they were auctioned。

竞买人应亲自审看Auction object原物,对自己竞买Auction object的行为承担法律责任。任何竞买人在本公司组织的拍卖活动中参加竞买的行为,应被视为该竞买人对其竞买的Auction object的真伪、品质及价值等情况已经进行全面的检验和评估,且对该Auction object的真伪、品质及价值等现状感到满意,对Auction object瑕疵(如有)已有充分了解并愿意接受。By participating in the auction, the bidder indicates that he is willing to take all the risks that may be encountered and has waived the right to object to the authenticity, quality or value of the auction object。


Chapter II Provisions on the client


Article 6 Entrustment procedure

When a client entrusts the Company to auction his articles,If a natural person,应持有效身份证或护照或中华人民共和国政府认可的其他有效身份证件,And sign the auction contract with the company;若为法人或者其他组织的,应持有效注册登记文件、法定代表人身份证明或者合法的授权委托证明文件,And sign the auction contract with the company。


When a client entrusts the Company to auction its articles, it automatically authorizes the Company to exhibit, display, produce photos, drawings, catalogs or other forms of video products and promotional materials on its own。


Article 7 Agent of the principal

If the agent of the principal entrusts the Company to auction the articles, it shall issue the relevant documents of entrustment to the Company, provide the legal identity of the principal and the agent, and sign the entrustment auction contract with the Company。委托人及代理人If a natural person,应持有效身份证或护照或中华人民共和国政府认可的其他有效身份证件;若为法人或者其他组织的,应持有效注册登记文件、法定代表人身份证明或者合法的授权委托证明文件。

本公司有权对上述委托事项以本公司认为合理的方式进行核查。No verification of the above documents or any other act or omission taken by the Company will reduce, relieve or affect the responsibility or obligation of the Client。


Article 8 Warranty of the client

委托人就其委托本公司拍卖的Auction object不可撤销地向本公司及买受人保证如下:

(其对该Auction object拥有完整的所有权或享有处分权,对该Auction object的拍卖、展览、复制、信息网络传播、宣传等不会侵害任何第三方的合法权益(包括但不限于所有权、著作权、隐私权、名誉权、继承权等),Nor does it violate the provisions of relevant laws;

(To the best of its knowledge, it has made full and detailed disclosure and explanation of the source and defect of the auction object to the Company, without any concealment or fiction;

(Any breach of the above warranty may result in a claim or action by the actual owner of the subject matter of the auction or any third party claiming to have a right, which may cause the Company and/或买受人蒙受损失时,则委托人应承担相关法律责任,包括但不限于赔偿本公司及/或买受人因此所遭受的一切损失,并承担因此而发生的一切费用和支出。

(四)Auction object发生保险事故后,如果有证据显示Auction object与委托人描述不符,则本公司及保险人承担的赔付金额将不会超过保险人所认定的Auction object受损前的实际市价,且委托人应赔偿因其描述不符而给本公司造成的全部损失。


Article 9 Reserve price

除本公司标明或说明无保留价者外,Auction object均设有保留价。保留价由本公司与委托人协商后确定,或由委托人授权本公司确定。保留价数目一经双方确定,其更改须事先征得对方书面同意。Under no circumstances shall the Company be liable for the failure of an auction subject to reach the reserve price in an auction conducted by the Company。


Article 10 The decision of the Company before auction

The Company has full discretion in the following matters:

(重新拟定委托拍卖合同项下Auction object名称等信息说明(包括标注款、Pass such prompts), through the auction catalogue and/Or the news media and/或其他载体对任何Auction object作任何内容说明及/Or evaluate;

(Whether any expert advice should be sought;

(Auction object在图录中插图的先后次序、位置、版面大小等安排以及收费标准;Auction object的展览/Display mode;The auction object is on display/展示过程中的各项安排及所应支付费用的标准;

(除非本公司与委托人另有约定,本公司对某Auction object是否适合由本公司拍卖(即最终是否上拍),以及拍卖地点、拍卖场次、拍卖日期、拍卖条件及拍卖方式等事宜拥有完全的决定权;



Article 11 Failure to put up for auction

委托人与本公司签署委托拍卖合同且将Auction object交付本公司后,若因任何原因致使本公司认为某Auction object不适合由本公司拍卖的,则委托人应自收到本公司领取通知之日起Within thirty daysThe client shall bear the expenses of packing, handling and other expenses, and the contract of entrusted auction between the Company and the client shall be terminated on the date of receipt of the auction object by the client。If the client fails to retrieve the auction object within the said time limit, the contract of entrusted auction between the Company and the client shall be terminated on the expiration date of the said time limit。若在委托拍卖合同解除后七日内,委托人仍未取回Auction object的,委托人应自委托拍卖合同解除后第八日起每日按本规则第二条第(十五)款的规定向本公司支付保管费用。If the consignor fails to take back the auction object within 90 days after the termination of the entrusted auction contract, the Company shall have the right to execute in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of these Rules。


Article 12 Suspension of auction

如出现下列情况之一,则本公司有权在实际拍卖前的任何时间决定中止任何Auction object的拍卖活动:

(本公司对Auction object的权属或真实性持有异议的;

(第三人对Auction object的权属或真实性持有异议且能够提供本公司认可的异议所依据的相关证据材料,同时书面表示愿意对中止拍卖活动所引起的法律后果及全部损失承担全部法律责任的;



(Auction objectJudicial proceedings involving any authority with judicial coercive power (court, procuratorate, public security, etc.) (including but not limited to investigation, litigation, security, seizure, injunction, seizure, freeze, enforcement, etc.)

(There is any other reasonable cause。

如因上述情况导致拍卖中止,本公司有权要求委托人支付相当于该Auction object保留价(无保留价的,按Auction object约定的保险金额)百分之三十的违约金,用于弥补本公司因拍卖中止而产生的实际损失和预期利益损失。


Article 13 The client withdraws the auction object

委托人在拍卖日前任何时间,向本公司发出书面通知说明理由后,可撤回其Auction object。But when the auction was withdrawn,委托人应向本公司支付相当于该Auction object保留价(无保留价的,按Auction object约定的保险金额)百分之三十的违约金,The liquidated damages are insufficient to cover the losses of the Company,委托人还应赔偿因其撤回Auction object的行为给本公司造成的全部损失。

委托人撤回Auction object的,应在收到本公司领取通知之日起Within thirty days取回该Auction object。If the auction object is not retrieved within the time limit, the client shall pay the storage fee to the Company daily from the day after the expiration of the time limit in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 (15) of these Rules。If the client fails to take back the auction object within 90 days after the expiration of the time limit, the Company shall have the right to perform the operation in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of these Rules。

因委托人撤回Auction object而引起的任何争议或索赔均由委托人自行承担,与本公司无关。


Article 14 Automatically insured

Unless otherwise instructed in writing by the client,在委托人与本公司签署委托拍卖合同且将Auction object交付本公司之时起,所有Auction object将自动受保于本公司投保的保险,保险金额以本公司与委托人在委托拍卖合同中确定的保留价为准(无保留价的,以Auction object约定的保险金额为准;调整拍卖保留价的,Subject to the adjusted reserve price of the auction subject)。

此保险金额只适用于向保险公司投保以及在保险事故发生后向保险公司索赔,并非本公司对该Auction object价值的保证或担保,也不意味着该Auction object由本公司拍卖,即可售得相同于该保险金额之款项。


Article 15 Insurance Premium


(Auction object未成交的,支付相当于保留价(无保留价的,按Auction object约定的保险金额;调整拍卖保留价的,按该Auction object调整后的保留价)百分之一的保险费;

(Auction object成交的,支付相当于落槌价百分之一的保险费。


Article 16 Insurance Period

委托人与本公司签署委托拍卖合同且将Auction object交付本公司之时起,保险期间开始计算。

As the auction object is sold at auction,The insurance period expires 30 days from the date of sale of the auction or the date on which the buyer receives the auction object purchased (whichever is earlier);If the auction object is not sold at auction or is not auctioned for any reason,The insurance period shall end on the date of collection of the auction objects by the principal or 30 days from the date of receipt of a notice from the Company informing the Principal of collection of the auction objects (whichever is the earlier)。


Article 17 The client arranges insurance

If the client informs the Company in writing that it does not need to insure its auction objects, the risk shall be borne by the Client and the Client shall assume the following liability at all times (unless otherwise determined by a court or arbitral institution) :

(对其他任何权利人就Auction object的毁损、灭失向本公司提出的索赔或诉讼做出赔偿;

(The Company or any right holder shall be liable for all losses and expenses incurred as a result of any damage or loss of the auction object caused by any reason;

(将本条所述的赔偿规定通知该Auction object的任何承保人。


Article 18 Insurance exemption

The following matters are not covered by the Company and the insurance:

(一)因任何修理、修复、润饰或类似工作过程;因自然磨损、变质、内在或潜在缺陷、固有瑕疵、物质本身变化(自然变形)、自燃、自热、氧化、锈蚀、渗漏、鼠咬、虫蛀、虫咬、虫害、霉变、真菌、腐烂、汗渍、水渍、大气(Climate or temperature)变化、湿度或温度转变、正常水位变化或其他渐变原因;因大气污染、土地污染、水污染及其他非放射性污染、地震、海啸;火灾、爆炸时Auction object遭受的盗窃;战争、类似战争行为、敌对行为、军事行动、武装冲突、恐怖活动、谋反、政变、罢工、暴动、民众骚乱、行政行为或司法行为、核裂变、核聚变、核武器、核材料、核辐射、放射性污染;

(2) Damage or loss of the book frame or glass, bag box, bottom cushion, support, mounting, book insert, axle head or similar appendages caused by any reason;

(3) All kinds of indirect losses caused by any circumstances。


Article 19 Insurance Indemnity

凡发生本公司为Auction object所购保险承保范围内的事件,应根据中华人民共和国有关保险的法律处理。After the Company settles the claim with the insurance company and obtains the insurance compensation, the Company shall pay the compensation to the principal up to the upper limit of the balance of the insurance loss after deducting the Company's expenses (except commission)。


Article 20 Bidding is prohibited



Article 21 Commission and fees



Article 22 Handling fee for uncompleted transactions

If the bid price of an auction object is lower than the number of the reserve price and the sale is not completed, the consignor authorizes the Company to charge the Company a commission of 3% of the reserve price for not selling the auction object, together with other fees。


Article 23 Payment of proceeds from sales



Article 24 Delay in payment



Article 25 Cancellation of a transaction

拍卖成交日起九十日内,如买受人仍未向本公司付清全部购买价款,则自第九十一日起,委托人向本公司发出书面通知并经本公司同意后,委托人有权撤销交易。委托人申请撤销交易的,应当将已收取的买受人支付的款项全部退回本公司。委托人以赔偿损失等任何理由拒不退回或拒不全额退回的,本公司有权拒绝委托人撤销交易的申请。本公司将在做出同意委托人撤销交易的决定之日起七个工作日内向买受人发出撤销交易的通知。如委托人将撤销交易的通知送达本公司之时,买受人已经付清全部购买价款和/或已经办理完毕提货手续的,委托人撤销交易的通知视为自动废止,相关交易应按照本规则第二十四条等规定继续履行,委托人应予以必要的配合并不得就此提出任何异议。If the client cancels the transaction, the client shall take back the auction object within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice from the Company, and the client shall bear the expenses of packing and handling。If such period is exceeded, the Client shall pay to the Company a daily storage fee in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 (15) of these Rules from the day after the expiration of such period。If the client fails to take back the auction object within 90 days after the expiration of the time limit, the Company shall have the right to perform the operation in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of these Rules。


Article 26 Recourse

If the buyer fails to pay in full and on time as required by these Rules,且委托人要求本公司向买受人追索拖欠款项,If the Company considers it practicable,可以采取适当措施(包括但不限于通过法律途径解决)协助委托人向买受人追索拖欠款项,However, the client shall pay to the Company all reasonable expenses (including but not limited to legal costs, attorney's fees, travel expenses, etc.) that may be incurred as a result of the recourse.。The Company has the right to determine the specific amount of reasonable fees, and after the amount of the actual recovery fees is determined, return the balance of the fees paid by the client or require the client to make up for the recovery fees。



Article 27 Taxes



Article 28 The decision of the Company is final

The Company may independently decide the following matters:

(Agree to pay the purchase price on special payment terms;

(Handling, storing and insuring sold auction objects;




Article 29 Failure to conclude a transaction on an auction object

如Auction object未能成交,委托人应自收到本公司领取通知之日起Within thirty days取回该Auction object,并向本公司支付未拍出手续费及其他各项费用,委托人自行负担包装及搬运等费用。本公司与委托人之间的委托拍卖合同自委托人领取该Auction object之日解除。If the client fails to take the auction object within the said time limit, the contract of entrusted auction between the Company and the client shall be terminated upon the expiration of the said time limit, but these Rules shall remain in effect for the Company and the client。若在委托拍卖合同解除后七日内,委托人仍未取走Auction object的,委托人应自委托拍卖合同解除后第八日起每日按本规则第二条第(十五)款的规定向本公司支付保管费用。If the consignor fails to take back the auction object within 90 days after the termination of the entrusted auction contract, the Company shall have the right to execute in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of these Rules。


Article 30 Delay in taking back auction objects

The Client shall be solely responsible for all risks and costs arising after the time limit specified in these Rules for his failure to retrieve his auction object。If the auction object is not auctioned, the client withdraws the auction object, the auction object fails to be completed, the client cancels the auction transaction, etc., the client shall take back the auction object in accordance with the provisions of these Rules,Where the client has delayed getting it back,The Company shall have the right after the expiration of the period specified in these Rules,以公开拍卖或其他本公司认为合适的方式及条件出售该Auction object,处置所得在扣除本公司因此产生之全部损失、费用(保管费、保险费、搬运费、公证费等)后,If there is a balance,The balance shall be recovered by the client,The balance is free of interest。

无论委托人是否延期取回Auction object,如委托人要求本公司协助退回其Auction object,退回的风险及费用由委托人承担,除非特别指明并负担保险费外,一般在运输中不予投保。


Chapter III provisions on bidders and buyers


Article 31 Record of auction objects

In the auction activities organized by the Company, in order to facilitate bidders and consignors to participate in the auction activities, the Company will make a record of the auction objects, and the condition of the auction objects in text/Or picture for a brief statement。Auction object图录中的文字、参考价、图片以及其他形式的影像制品和宣传品,仅供竞买人参考,并可于拍卖前修订,不表明本公司对Auction object的真实性、价值、色调、质地、有无缺陷等所作的担保。


Article 32 Uncertainty of the catalogue

因印刷或摄影等技术原因造成Auction object在图录及/Or any other form of graphics, video products and publicity materials in the hue, color, level, shape and other errors with the original, the original shall prevail。

本公司及其工作人员或其代理人对任何Auction object用口头或书面方式(包括证书、图录、状态说明、幻灯投影、新闻载体、网路媒体等)所作的介绍及评价,均为参考性意见,不构成对Auction object的任何担保或承诺。本公司及其工作人员或其代理人毋需对上述之介绍及评价中的不准确或遗漏之处负责。

本公司及其工作人员或其代理人对Auction object任何说明中引述之出版著录仅供竞买人参考。本公司不提供著录书刊等资料之原件或复印件,并保留修订引述说明的权利。


Article 33 The responsibility of the bidder to examine

本公司特别声明,不能保证Auction object的真伪、品质及价值,对Auction object不承担瑕疵担保责任。Bidders and/或其代理人有责任自行了解有关Auction object的实际状况并对自己竞买某Auction object的行为承担法律责任。

The company solemnly recommends,Bidders should be available before the auction date,以鉴定或其他方式亲自审看拟竞买Auction object之原物,并自行判断该Auction object的真伪、品质及价值等情况,而不应依赖本公司Auction object图录、状态说明以及其他形式的口头或书面之表述做出决定。


Article 34 Registration of bidders

Where the bidder is a natural person,A valid identity card or passport or other valid identity documents recognized by the government of the People's Republic of China and other materials required by the Company should be presented before the auction date,Fill out and sign the registration document;竞买人为法人或者其他组织的,Prior to the auction date, valid registration documents, identity certificates of legal representatives or legal authorization documents and other materials required by the Company shall be presented,Fill out and sign the registration document,根据本公司公布的办理竞买号牌的条件和程序,Apply for and receive the bid plate。本公司有权要求竞买人提供财务状况证明、担保、存款证明及/或要求竞买人为其有意竞买的Auction object提供其他担保。


Article 35 Bid for number plates

The Company may, in accordance with different auction conditions and auction methods and other circumstances, publish the conditions and procedures for handling bidding plates before the auction day, including but not limited to formulating the qualifications of bidders for handling bidding plates。


无论是否接受竞买人的委托,凡持竞买号牌者在拍卖活动中所实施的竞买行为均视为竞买号牌登记人本人所为,竞买号牌登记人本人应当对持竞买号牌者的行为承担法律责任Unless the registrant of the bidding plate has himself reported the loss of the bidding plate in the Company in a written manner approved by the Company, and the auctioneer declares the bidding plate invalid on the spot。


Article 36 Bid for deposit

竞买人参加本公司拍卖活动,应在领取竞买号牌前交纳竞买保证金。竞买保证金的数额由本公司在拍卖日前公布,本公司有权减免收取保证金。If a bidder buys an auction object,The deposit is automatically converted into a deposit to pay the purchase price of the auction object;If the bidder fails to purchase the auction object or part of the deposit is converted into a deposit, the deposit remains in balance,且对本公司、本公司的母公司、子公司、分公司、办事处(联络处)、关联公司无任何欠款,则本公司将于拍卖会结束之日起十个工作日内办理保证金余款汇付手续,竞买人收到款项的时间以银行实际到账时间为准。The Company has the right to use the bidding deposit paid by the bidder to settle any money owed by the bidder to the Company, the Company's parent company, subsidiaries, branches, offices (liaison offices), and affiliated companies。When a buyer purchases multiple auction objects at the same time with the same bidding plate, the Company has the right to determine the distribution method after the deposit is converted into a deposit。


Article 37 The Company's option

The Company has the right at its discretion to refuse any person to participate in the auction activities organized by the Company or enter the auction site, or to take photos, sound recordings, video and other activities at the auction site。


Article 38 Handling of abnormal situations

When the auction site abnormal circumstances affect the normal conduct of auction activities, the Company has the right to make corresponding treatment according to the actual situation, until the suspension of auction activities。如拍卖现场出现任何争议,本公司有权予以协调解决。


Article 39 Bid as a party

Every bidder shall be deemed to be a bidder himself unless a bidder submits to the Company in writing prior to the auction date and is approved in writing by the Company as an agent of a Bidder。


Article 40 Entrusted bidding

Bidders should attend the auction in person。如不能出席,可采用书面形式委托本公司代为竞投。The Company has the right to decide whether to accept the above mandates。委托本公司竞投之竞买人应在规定时间内(不迟于拍卖日前二十四小时)办理委托手续,向本公司出具书面委托竞投授权书,并应根据本规则第三十六条之规定同时缴纳竞买保证金。

竞买人应在委托竞投授权书中准确填写即时通讯方式及工具。During the bidding period entrusted by the Company, the bidding information conveyed by the instant messaging tool (whether or not conveyed by the bidder himself) shall be regarded as the bidder's own behavior, and the bidder shall bear all legal responsibilities。竞买人应亲自使用该即时通讯工具,一旦丢失或无法控制该即时通讯工具,应立即以本公司认可的书面方式通知本公司并变更委托竞投授权书中填写的即时通讯方式。If a bidder confirms in writing a certain instant communication method or tool, it shall be deemed that the bidder has approved the security, authenticity and objectivity of the communication content of the instant communication method or tool, and shall not raise objections later。



Article 41 Exemption from liability for entrusted bidding



Article 42 Principle of trust first

若两个或两个以上委托本公司竞投之竞买人以相同委托价对同一Auction object出价且最终Auction object以该价格落槌成交,则最先将委托竞投授权书送达本公司者为该Auction object的买受人。


Article 43 Decision of the auctioneer

The auctioneer has absolute discretion in the following matters:

(Reject or accept any offer;

(In the event of an error or dispute, whether at the time of or after the auction of an auction object, the right to determine the highest bidder, whether to continue the auction, cancel the auction or re-auction the disputed auction object;


()就不设保留价的Auction object,除非已有竞投,否则拍卖师有权自行酌情决定起拍价;

(Take such other action at the auction site as it deems appropriate。


Article 44 Image display board and currency exchange display board

本公司为方便竞买人,可能于拍卖中使用影像投射或其他形式的显示板,所示内容仅供参考。影像投射或其他形式的显示板所示之数额、Auction object编号、Auction object图片或参考外汇金额等均有可能出现误差,本公司对因此误差而导致的任何损失不承担任何责任。


Article 45 The auction is concluded

竞买人的最高应价经拍卖师落槌或者以其他公开表示买定的方式确认时,该竞买人竞买成功,即表明竞买人对拍卖过程无异议且承诺对其竞买行为负责,该竞买人成为Auction object的买受人。The buyer shall sign the transaction confirmation/Auction record, if the buyer fails to sign the sale confirmation/The auction record shall not affect the buyer's legal liability。If the buyer fails to perform the payment obligation as a result, the Company shall have the right to claim compensation from the buyer for all losses caused to the Company and shall have the right to pursue legal liability against the buyer in accordance with the provisions of Article 54 of these Rules。

竞买成功后,如果买受人未亲自签署成交确认书/If the auction record is signed by another person (including but not limited to the holder of the bid plate) on the spot, regardless of whether the signatory has provided the Company with the buyer's power of attorney, and regardless of the transaction confirmation/拍卖笔录上的签字是否为买受人本人的名字,均视为买受人授权该等人士代为签署,除非买受人于拍卖现场提出异议,否则签字人一切行为的法律后果均由买受人承担。


Article 46 Commission and fees

竞买人竞买成功后,即成为该Auction object的买受人。买受人应支付本公司相当于落槌价百分之十五的佣金,同时应支付各项费用,且认可本公司可根据本规则第二十一条的规定向委托人收取佣金及各项费用。


Article 47 Requirements for payment

After auction,买受人应自拍卖成交日起Within thirty days向本公司付清购买价款并领取Auction object。若涉及包装及搬运费用、运输保险费用等各项费用,买受人需一并支付。本公司保留拒收除买受人以外其他任何第三方付款的权利。如买受人购得多件Auction object而未付清全部购买价款,且支付购买价款时并未书面指定支付某件Auction object购买价款,则本公司有权自行决定其购买价款的分配方式。


Article 48 Currency of payment

All payments shall be made in the currency specified by the Company。如买受人以本公司指定的货币以外的其他货币支付,应按买受人与本公司约定的汇价折算或按照中国人民银行于买受人付款日前一个工作日公布的人民币与该币种的汇价折算。All bank charges, commissions or other related expenses incurred by the Company in converting such foreign currency paid by the Buyer into RMB shall be borne by the Buyer。


Article 49 Transfer of ownership

买受人全额支付购买价款后,即获得Auction object的所有权。


Article 50 Risk transfer

After successful bidding, the risk of the auction object shall be borne by the buyer upon the occurrence of any of the following circumstances (whichever is the earlier occurrence date) :

(The buyer receives the auction object purchased;or

(买受人向本公司支付有关Auction object的全部购买价款;或

(The auction expires 30 days from the date of sale。


Article 51 Receive auction objects

The buyer shall collect the auction objects purchased at the Company's domicile or at any other place designated by the Company within 30 days from the date of completion of the auction。若买受人未能Within 30 days from the auction date领取Auction object,则逾期后对该Auction object的相关保管、搬运、保险等费用均由买受人承担,且买受人应对其所购Auction object承担全部责任。Even if the auction object is still in the custody of the Company or other agents, the Company and its staff or its agents shall not be liable for any damage or loss of the auction object caused by any reason。If the Buyer owes any other amount to the Company, the Company's parent company, subsidiaries, branches, offices (liaison offices) or affiliated companies, the buyer shall not receive any auction objects until the buyer has paid the aforesaid amount。


Article 52 Packing and handling

本公司工作人员应买受人要求代为包装及处理购买的Auction object,仅视为本公司对买受人提供的协助,本公司可酌情决定是否提供此项协助,若因此发生任何损失均由买受人自行承担。Under no circumstances shall the Company be liable for any damage to glass or frame, pouch, underlay, bracket, mounting, insert, axle head or similar appendages caused by any reason whatsoever。In addition, the Company shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, damage or loss caused by the packing and shipping companies recommended by the Company to the Buyer。


Article 53 Exit and entry of auction objects

任何Auction object皆有可能受到拍卖地国家出口法律及其他国家进口法律限制,买受人须于竞买前自行寻求专业意见,确认Auction object满足法律对进出口的要求。如将文物携运出境,买受人须依法自行办理文物出境审核手续。处于中华人民共和国海关监管下或处于保税区的Auction object,After auction,买受人应根据中华人民共和国有关规定自行办理入境手续,并自行承担相应税费。买受人不得以未获发任何许可证或相关文件作为撤销交易或要求延迟付款的理由。


Article 54 Remedies for non-payment


(After auction,若买受人未按照本规则规定时间缴付购买价款,Bidding deposit (deposit) is non-refundable,At the same time, it shall bear corresponding responsibilities in accordance with the provisions of these Rules;买受人以同一竞买号牌同时购得多件Auction object的,After auction,若买受人未按照规定时间支付任一Auction object购买价款,The buyer shall be deemed to have committed a material breach,All bid deposit (deposit) is not refundable,At the same time, it shall bear corresponding responsibilities in accordance with the provisions of these Rules。The Company may choose to give priority to the above non-refundable bidding deposit (deposit) for compensation of the Company's commission income and expense losses,剩余部分留存本公司处用于对委托人的损失进行赔偿,也可以选择将竞买保证金(定金)优先用于赔偿委托人的损失;有多个委托人受到损失的,由本公司决定剩余保证金(定金)的分配方式;

(Within 30 days from the auction date,如买受人未向本公司付清全部购买价款,本公司有权(但并非义务)委托第三方机构代为向买受人催要欠付的全部或部分购买价款;

(Within 30 days from the auction date,If the buyer has not paid the purchase price in full,本公司则有权自拍卖成交日后第三十一日起就买受人未付款部分按照日息万分之三收取利息,Until the date of full payment by the buyer,买受人与本公司另有协议者除外;除委托人与本公司另有约定外,The Company is entitled to retain the interest;


()As security of the pledge, the Buyer auctions this or any other subject of the auction at the Company and any other property or right to property in the possession of such Buyer by the Company for any reason。All expenses incurred during the pledge period and/Or at the buyer's risk。If the buyer fails to fulfill all relevant obligations within the time specified by the Company, the Company has the right to dispose of the pledged property in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China。处分质押财产所得不足抵偿买受人应付本公司全部款项的,本公司有权另行追索;

(Within 90 days from the date of sale,如买受人仍未向本公司付清全部购买价款的,本公司则自拍卖成交日后第九十一日起有权视具体情况撤销或同意委托人撤销在同一或任何其他拍卖中向同一买受人售出的该件或任何其他Auction object的交易,并保留追索因撤销该笔或任何其他交易致使本公司所蒙受全部损失的权利;

(经征得委托人同意,本公司可按照本规则规定再行拍卖或以其他方式出售该Auction object。The original buyer shall, in addition to paying the commission and expenses payable by the buyer and the principal in the first auction, bear all expenses incurred in the re-auction or other means of selling the auction object,若再行拍卖或以其他方式出售该Auction object所得的价款低于原拍卖价款的,The original buyer shall make up the difference;

(将本公司、本公司的母公司、子公司、分公司、办事处(联络处)、关联公司在任何其他交易中欠付买受人的款项抵销买受人欠付本公司购得Auction object的任何款项;将买受人支付的任何款项用于清偿买受人欠付本公司、本公司的母公司、子公司、分公司、办事处(联络处)、关联公司的任何款项,And whether or not the buyer directs that the sum be satisfied。


第五十五条 延期领取Auction object之补救方法

In the event that a buyer fails to collect the auction objects purchased by him within the time specified in Article 47 of these Rules, the Company shall be entitled to take one or more of the following measures:

(将该Auction object储存在本公司或其他地方,由此发生的一切费用(包括但不限于自拍卖成交日起的第三十一日起按本规则第二条第(十五)款的规定计收保管费等)及/Or at the buyer's risk。Only after the buyer has paid the purchase price in full, can the auction object be received, and the buyer shall bear all expenses such as packing and handling expenses, transportation insurance expenses, etc.

(The Buyer shall be solely responsible for all risks and costs arising after the expiration of the period specified in these Rules when the Buyer fails to collect the relevant auction objects。如买受人自成交日起的九十日内仍未领取Auction object的,则本公司有权以公开拍卖或其他本公司认为合适的方式及条件出售该Auction object,The disposal proceeds shall be deducted from all losses and expenses incurred by the Company as a result (packing and handling expenses, transportation insurance expenses, storage fees, notary fees, etc.),If there is a balance,The buyer will take it back,The balance is free of interest。


Chapter IV Others


Article 56 State preemption right

When the relevant government departments exercise the national priority to purchase the auction target, it shall be implemented in accordance with the national laws and relevant government decisions, and the relevant parties shall accept and give necessary cooperation。

The relevant documents issued to the Company by the administrative department of cultural relics regarding the national preemptive right shall not constitute any guarantee or appraisal opinion on the authenticity, quality and value of the auction objects。


Article 57 Confidentiality obligations and data collection

The Company is obliged to keep the confidentiality of the client, bidder and buyer (except as otherwise provided by the laws of the People's Republic of China and these Rules).。In case of breach of contract by the principal or buyer, the Company has the right to disclose the identity information (including but not limited to name) of the other party to the principal or buyer at its own discretion/名称、住所、身份信息),使受到损害的一方得以通过法律诉讼或者其他合法方式获得损害赔偿;本公司有权将违约人的身份电子pg游戏官网或报送行业组织、征信机构。

The Company may sound, video and record any auction proceedings and may be required to collect personal data from bidders or third parties about bidders(For example, ask your bank for a credit check)。这些资料会由本公司处理并且保密,有关资料仅有可能For the purposes of these rules提供给本公司、本公司的母公司、子公司、分公司、办事处(联络处)、关联公司,以协助本公司为竞买人提供完善的服务、进行客户分析,或以便提供符合竞买人要求的服务。为了竞买人的权益,本公司亦可能需要向第三方服务供应商(For example, a transportation company or a storage company)Provide part of the bidder's personal data。竞买人参加本公司的拍卖,即表示竞买人同意上文所述。


Article 58 Right of appraisal

本公司认为需要时,可以对Auction object进行鉴定。鉴定结论与委托拍卖合同载明的Auction object的状况不符的,本公司有权变更或者解除委托拍卖合同。


Article 59 Copyright



Article 60 Liability for invalid auction



Article 61 Notice

Bidders and委托人均应将其固定有效的通讯地址和联络方式以竞买登记文件、委托拍卖合同或其他本公司认可的方式告知本公司,若有改变,应立即书面告知本公司。The notice referred to in these Rules and any notice relating to the Company's auction business shall mean a letter, fax, email, instant message,APPWritten notification in the form of client push, etc。If sent by post, the notice shall be deemed to have been given by the Company once it has been delivered to the postal unit and shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee in accordance with the normal postal procedure。如以其他书面方式发出,则发送当日为收件人收到该通知日期。


Article 62 Divisibility

If any provision or part of these Rules is deemed invalid, illegal or unenforceable by the competent authority for any reason, the other provisions or part of these Rules shall remain valid and shall be complied with and enforced by the relevant parties。


Article 63 Dispute settlement

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with participation in the auction of the Company in accordance with these Rules shall be brought before the people's court where the Company is domiciled。解决该等争议的准据法应为中华人民共和国法律。


Article 64 Language text



Article 65 All rights reserved



Article 66 Singular and plural words



Article 67 Right of amendment

The Company has the right to modify these Rules, and the Company has the right to modify these Rules at any time according to the actual situation, and the revised version of the Rules will automatically apply from the date of modification。If there are any amendments to these Rules, the Company will publicize them in a timely manner in accordance with the law in a way that the Company deems appropriate, and the relevant parties should pay their own attention. The Company has the right not to give separate notice。


Article 68 The text shall be applicable

Unless otherwise agreed by the Company, the relevant texts of the consignment auction contract referred to in Article 6 of these Rules and the cancellation Notice referred to in Article 25 of these Rules shall be applicable to the texts formulated by the Company。本公司制定的该等相关文本的内容与本规则共同构成一个不可分割之组成整体。


Article 69 Time of execution

This rule is in2019430With immediate effect。


Article 70 Right of interpretation

The Company is responsible for the interpretation of these Rules。

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